Uber Eats Promo Codes
Uber Eats Coupons · February 2025
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Today's deals: Up to 30% off, free delivery & more
Uber Eats promo code: 40% off plant-based burgers
Up to 10% off eligible orders + 6% back on rides
Free Uber Eats delivery from select restaurants
Up to $25 off every month + free delivery for Uber One members
Up to $10 off $35 Uber Eats food delivery
Up to 40% off + BOGO Uber Eats football season deals
Free burrito on orders over $25
Deli orders $10 off $30+
Uber Eats app combos & delivery deals under $2
Save on Delivery with Today’s Deals & Uber Eats Promo Codes
Uber Eats lets you bring the dining experience home for less than you think (and whenever cravings strike). Backed by their network of merchants, small businesses, neighborhood staples, and large restaurant chains, you’ll find more options and delivery discounts. To start, browse currently active Uber Eats promo codes listed on Dealies. Here you’ll find all verified Uber Eats promo codes for existing customers and first orders, Uber One sign up offers, free delivery coupons, holiday promo codes, buy 1 get 1 free specials, and more ways to save on what you love. The Uber Eats “Deals” section will also be your best friend, featuring limited-time coupons of up to 30% off restaurants and no promo code necessary. Follow along for more discount tips and coupons you won't want to miss.
Uber Eats Free Delivery + Uber One Discounts
Uber One is a subscription service offer by Uber Eats, and another way to get your favorite meals delivered with lower fees. Plans are $9.99 monthly or save 20% on your membership with an annual plan. Occasionally 3 month free trials are available too. At a glance, here’s how it can help existing users save:
- Free Delivery - One of the main perks is free delivery from select restaurants. So if you’re a frequent orderer but cringe at delivery charges, this may be your best answer. Check out the participating restaurants and exclusions to see if it makes sense for your budget.
- Exclusive Coupons - Uber One members often receive in-app coupons, email newsletter promo codes, lower service fees, and free delivery deals. You’ll also score up to 10% off delivery and pickup orders and 6% Uber Cash on rides.
- Priority Service - Enjoy VIP service, faster delivery times, and prioritized customer support on your orders.
Types of Uber Eats Promo Codes Available to Users
SInce Uber Eats releases a variety of different promo codes and discounts, the trick is knowing which apply to your unique order. For example, some are restricted to existing users and require a code, while others coupons apply automatically based on factors such as the items in your cart, previous orders, user status, etc. However find the most Uber Eats coupon options are:
First Orders
- $15 off 20 + free delivery
- $25 off
- $10 off
- $5 off 5 orders
New & Existing Users
- Free delivery
- Personalized e-mail promo codes
- 20% off select orders $25+
- $15 off referral codes
- $15 off $20